100 examples of clipped words
100 examples of clipped words

100 examples of clipped words

During phonation, the vocal folds do not transmit the major portion of the energy to the air.

100 examples of clipped words 100 examples of clipped words

When the vocal folds are brought together and there is a balanced air pressure to drive them, they vibrate laterally in opposite directions. The tension and position of the vocal folds are adjusted by the intrinsic laryngeal muscles, primarily through movement of the two arytenoid cartilages. The aperture between the vocal folds is known as the glottis. (23–27 mm) in men and considerably less in women. The vibrating edge of the vocal folds measures about 0.92– 1.08 in. The vocal folds consist of connective tissue and muscular fibers which attach anteriorly to the thyroid cartilage and posteriorly to the vocal processes of the arytenoid cartilages. The larynx is the primary mechanism for phonation, that is, the generation of the glottal tone. (16 cm) in men and may be increased by either pursing the lips or lowering the larynx. The length of the vocal tract averages 6.5 in. The upper end of the vocal tract may terminate at the lips, at the nose, or both. It is situated directly above the trachea and is composed of a group of cartilages, tissues, and muscles. At the lower end of the tube, or the vocal tract, is the larynx. The phonatory and articulatory mechanisms of speech may be regarded as an acoustical system whose properties are comparable to those of a tube of varying cross-sectional dimensions. This involves interactions between the pressures initiated by thoracic movements and the position and tension of the vocal folds. The aerodynamics of the breath stream influence the rate and mode of the vibration of the vocal folds. Consequently, during speech the period of exhalation is generally much longer than that of inhalation. Most of the speech sounds of the major languages of the world are formed during exhalation. These interacting processes are activated, coordinated, and monitored by acoustical and kinesthetic feedback through the nervous system. However, for matching a single word, we suggest that you use the Content compliance or Objectionable content settings.Įxample 3: (\W|^)stock\s indicates that exactly 2 digits must appear in this position in the number.The physiology of speech production may be described in terms of respiration, phonation, and articulation. Note: Examples shown below can be useful as starting points for more complex regular expressions.

100 examples of clipped words